Shawnigan Village Water System

Shawnigan Village Water System is located in the area surrounding the Village of Shawnigan Lake in Area B. The water system services residential dwellings and commercial properties.

Source, Treatment and Distribution

The Shawnigan Village Water System uses Shawnigan Lake as its primary source water. Water supplied from Shawnigan Lake is pumped to a treatment building (located off Heald Road) and receives chlorine disinfection before being pumped to the water storage reservoirs located on Jersey Road and Bob-O-Link Road.

Water Quality Tests

Shawnigan Village Water System is sampled, at a minimum, once a week. The following table shows the sampling frequency and parameters tested for the water system:

 FrequencyParameter TestedLaboratory
WeeklyBacterial (E. Coli and Total Coliforms)Samples are submitted to the Island Health Authority for testing by a provincial laboratory
QuarterlyDisinfection by-products (THM and HAA)Bureau Veritas
AnnualFull spectrum analysis based on the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines. Sampling of the source and distribution is alternated each year.Bureau Veritas

Fee Structure

Customers receive user fees every six months, in March and September. An annual parcel tax is levied on individual property taxes.

  1. Utilities

    Physical Address
    175 Ingram Street
    Duncan, BC V9L 1N8

After hours Utilities emergency telephone 1.888.453.0148