Form Centre

By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information.

Bylaw & Inspections

  1. Bylaw Enforcement Complaint Form

    To make a complaint relating to CVRD Bylaws, it is required that a name, address, and phone number be provided as well as a description... More…

Corporate Services Forms

  1. Add My E-mail Address
  1. Web Page Feedback Form

    Your feedback is important to us. Please fill in this form to help us better understand and assist you with your needs.

Cowichan Sports Tourism

  1. Cowichan Sport Events Calendar Submission Form

    The Regional Sport Events Calendar promotes regional, provincial or national tournaments, championships and competitions that are held... More…

  2. Cowichan Sport Tourism Event Grant Final Report

    Information about how the Sport Event Grant was used by recipients.

  3. E-News Sign Up

    A form that enables people to register to receive newsletters and announcements from the CVRD Sport Tourism Initiative.

  1. Cowichan Sport Events Equipment Loan Reservation

    Information about the Event Equipment Loan Program and Reservation Form

  2. Cowichan Sports Tourism Event Grant Application

    Information about obtaining grants to host sport events.

Delegation Requests

  1. Arts & Culture Grant Committee

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Arts & Culture Grant Committee

  2. Cowichan Core Recreation Commission

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Cowichan Core Recreation Commission

  3. Cowichan Lake Recreation Commission

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Cowichan Lake Recreation Commission

  4. Cowichan South Recreation Commission

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Cowichan South Recreation Commission Meeting

  5. Hospital Board

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Hospital Board

  1. Committee of the Whole

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Committee of the Whole

  2. Cowichan Lake Community Hall Advisory Committee

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Cowichan Lake Community Hall Advisory Committee

  3. Cowichan North Recreation Commission

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Cowichan North Recreation Commission Meeting

  4. Electoral Area Services Committee

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Electoral Area Services Committee

  5. Regular Board Meeting

    Request to appear as a delegation at the Board

Legislative Services

  1. Mail Ballot Online Application - 2022 General Local Election & Regional Referendum (Regionally Significant Recreation Facilities Funding Establishment Bylaw No. 4438

    Assent Voting (Regional Referendum) in relation to "CVRD Bylaw No. 4438 – Regional Recreation Funding Services Establishment Bylaw,... More…

  1. Report an Accessibility Issue

    The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) would like to hear any concerns about accessibility issues in or on CVRD property. This... More…

Parks and Trails

  1. CVRD Parks & Trails Group Use Notification Form

    To host a small private event or gathering in a CVRD park, please submit a Group Use Notification Form. This process is required for... More…

  2. CVRD Parks & Trails Volunteer Activity & School Field Trip Request Form

    Planning a field trip or volunteer activity for your class?

  1. CVRD Parks & Trails Special Event Permit Application


  1. Are we missing something?

    Is there information we are missing that you could benefit from? Let us know!

  1. Development Services Application

    Online submission for Development Services Application

Public Safety

  1. Are You Ready? Take our Emergency Preparedness Challenge Quiz!

    16 questions to help you find out how prepared you are and what you need to do next!

  1. FireSmart - CVRD

    To sign up and receive FireSmart assessment information.

Solid Waste Forms

  1. Cobble Hill Odour Concern Form

    Cobble Hill Odour Complaint Form to report community odour complaints associated waste water treatment plants or composting facilities. More…

  2. GFL Environmental Inc. Odour Concern Form

    In order to facilitate the review of odour incidents, this form will become part of the public record and will be shared with the... More…

  3. Noise Complaint Form for Waste Management Facilities

    In order to facilitate the review of noise incidents, this form will become part of the public record and will be shared with the... More…

  1. Community Event Tote Booking Form

    The CVRD has designed the Community Event Tote program for not-for-profit organizations and schools to educate the community about... More…

  2. Licensed Facility Response Form

    This form will be used by the licensed facilities that are subject to ongoing community complaint.


  1. Report Your Sewer or Water Concern

    Report form for sewer or water concerns

  2. Utility Notifications

    This form enables CVRD Utility customers to subscribe to notifications about the services and sign up to receive bills by email.

  1. Utility Billing Certificate Request