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The CVRD requires the submission of a Special Event Permit Application for any event proposed in a CVRD park or trail that falls into any of the following categories:
Depending on the location and activities included in your proposed event, approval may need to be acquired from other jurisdictions including BC Parks, and the BC Ministry of Transportation and Transit. A Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) permit may be required if your event involves food service to the public.
Applications must be submitted a minimum of 45 days in advance for smaller events (100 people or less) and a minimum of 90 days in advance for larger (more that 100 people) or more complicated events. All additional documentation must be submitted a minimum of 21 days in advance of the event date. PLEASE NOTE: IF ABOVE DEADLINES ARE NOT MET A SPECIAL EVENT WILL NOT BE APPROVED.
Once a Special Event Permit Application is received, CVRD staff will review your application and be in contact via email.
Please note, the applicant detailed above is required to sign the application form and will be the sole contact for communications with the CVRD.
On-site contact during event
Please note, if your event is a walk, run or ride please provide information regarding the proposed route(s), along with a detailed route map.
Public events: are open to members of the public (i.e. anyone can attend or participate). These are typically larger events held by organizations, societies or non profits. E.g. Walk, run or ride. Private events: are events only open to invited persons or members. E.g. Weddings
Please note, a VIHA Temporary Food Service Permit may be required if the food being served is beyond low-risk prepackaged (e.g. store bought) foods. Please contact VIHA for guidance on permit requirement.
Please note, commercial activities are not permitted.
Available at Bright Angel Park, Glenora Trails Head Park and Elsie Miles Park.
Please note, an overflow parking plan may be required.
Please outline the emergency procedures for this event including the number of first aid attendants and their level of certification, emergency vehicle access and evacuation routes. First aid requirements are determined by the size and type of event being proposed.
How will event waste be managed? What measures will be put in place for environmental protection, recycling etc.?Please note, you are responsible for the proper disposal of all waste associated with your event.
If yes, please provide details.
Eg. Will signage be used?
Special events occurring in CVRD Parks & Trails are required to provide a certificate of insurance naming the Cowichan Valley Regional District (175 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC, V9L 1N8) as additionally insured.
The special event permit holder, as well as any sub-contractor providing event services must obtain comprehensive general liability insurance protecting the Cowichan Valley Regional District against liability for bodily injury, death or property damage, arising out of the event. Minimum limit of $2,000,000 commercial general liability insurance against third party claims for bodily injury, death, property and loss of use (Note: a higher limit of liability insurance might be required depending on event details). Maximum deductible $5,000 per occurrence, with a cross liability clause. A certificate of insurance naming the Cowichan Valley Regional District as additional insured must be received before final approval of an event. CVRD retains the right to cancel an event if a certificate of insurance is not received before the event date. By accepting this permit, the special event permit holder acknowledges sole responsibility for obtaining whatever coverage the CVRD deems necessary. Insurance can be obtained through any insurance agent. Events that include the use of lands or facilities not owned by the CVRD may be required to provide additional insurance coverage for the third parties.
CVRD Park Bylaw #738 requires that unless specifically permitted:
By signing this application, the applicant acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions of use and that the information provided is accurate and correct.
Please upload any supporting documents. If you are unable to provide required documents at this time, please email copies to
___________________________________ CVRD Event Approval
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