Public Hearings & Information Meetings 

There are no public meetings or hearings scheduled at this time. 

There are two ways to attend a Public Hearing event electronically:


Registration is required for online participation. It is recommended that you register several days in advance to ensure device and audio compatibility. 

To register go to:

 and enter the Webinar information: 



Follow the instructions on the next page and use the ‘Register’ button to complete your registration. Once registered you will receive an email confirmation with a link for joining the meeting.


Join the  Public Hearing Webinar by calling; 1.833.311.4101 when prompted enter:    and when prompted enter 
Password:   and wait to be connected.   Calling in does not require pre-registration.

Webex Guide for those attending an event electronically

  1. What is a Public Hearing? What is a Notice of Intent
  2. Do you Have Questions About the Proposal?
  3. Submitting Your Comments
  4. Attending a Public Hearing
  5. What Happens After a Public Hearing?

What is a Public Hearing? 

  • A Public Hearing is not an information session; it is not the time to begin to learn about a proposed bylaw amendment. The purpose of a Public Hearing is for the public to present their views and opinions on a proposed bylaw amendment.
  • Members of the public should have all their questions answered in advance of the Public Hearing in order to provide comments to the elected Area Directors who are in attendance to hear the opinions of the public.
  • Anyone who considers themselves affected by a proposed bylaw amendment will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing, or to submit written comments. All submissions will form part of the Public Hearing record. Please note that personal information, including phone numbers and email addresses should not be included in your submission, and other information protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, will be redacted before being published online by the CVRD.
  • The Local Government Act requires that a Public Hearing be held before the Board adopts an amendment to an official community plan bylaw, and some amendments to a zoning bylaw. 
  • Notification of a Public Hearing follows the requirements set out in the Local Government Act and the CVRD Development Application Procedures Bylaw No. 4483. Notification includes electronically posting notice on the CVRD’s website, electronically distributing the notice through the CVRD email subscription service, and in some instances mailing Notices to owners and occupants of surrounding properties at least ten days prior to the Public Hearing. A convenience notice may also be placed in one issue of the Cowichan Valley Citizen prior to the Public Hearing occurring. 
  • Section 465 (1.1) of the Local Government Act outlines the procedures for CVRD Public Hearings. For example, it allows local governments to conduct Public Hearings through electronic or other communication.
  • The main difference between an in-person Public Hearing and an electronic Public Hearing is that an electronic Public Hearing has no physical location where the public can attend.
  • The CVRD is using Webex for electronic Public Hearings, which is an online-based meeting platform. The public can attend by telephone or internet device (computer, phone, tablet) to listen, observe or speak during the Public Hearing.

What is a Notice of Intent?

  • A Notice of Intent provides notice to the public on matters where a Public Hearing is not required, such as the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit by resolution or the waiving of a Public Hearing for a zoning bylaw amendment that coincides with policy in the applicable Official Community Plan.
  • A Notice of Intent provides the following information:
    1. The purpose of the permit or bylaw amendment
    2. Description of the land(s) that are affected
    3. The place, time and dates for inspecting copies of the permit or bylaw amendment
    4. The place, time and date when the Electoral Area Services Committee (EASC) will consider a recommendation to the CVRD Board, who will consider a resolution on the matter.
  • A Notice of Intent is advertised in the Cowichan Valley Citizen, on the CVRD’s website, and in some instances includes mailing Notices to owners and occupants of surrounding properties.