Malahat Sewer

Malahat Sewer Wastewater Treatment Plant

Malahat Sewer System services the residential development (formerly called Elkington Forest) located at the south end of Area B Shawnigan Lake on Trailhead Lane. There will be 19 customers located in the service area for Phase 1 of this development and eventual build out of 97 lots.

System Overview

The Malahat Sewer system consists of a domestic collection system, a lift station, a Class A Toray membrane wastewater treatment plant and disposal to a drainage field. The sewer system is currently filed under a Health Permit, but will require a transfer to the Ministry of Environment Registration as flow increase.
Critical equipment is monitored 24-hours a day for malfunctions (such as pump failures); if such an abnormality occurs an alarm is sent to the on-duty pager to alert CVRD-staff for immediate response.

Annual Charges

Billing PeriodBilling DateUser Fee per Billing Period*Parcel Tax **Annual Fee (User Fee and Parcel Tax)
January 1 to June 30February$150$1,605$1,905
July 1 to December 31August$150

*User Fees are mailed out to each customers on the billing date stated above.

**Parcel Tax is charged once a year and is incorporated into the property tax for each customer.