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Construction and Demolition Waste
When you are constructing, renovating, or demolishing your home, it can generate a lot of waste. While these materials (e.g. lumber, painted wood, rubble, etc.) can be recycled on their own (see below), it is considered construction and demolition waste when materials are unable to be sorted into their individual waste categories.
CVRD Recycling Centres do not accept construction and demolition waste (or other asbestos-containing materials such as vermiculite insulation and drywall) as it is likely to have asbestos-containing materials. This is because most homes in the region were built before the 1990s when asbestos was extensively used in construction. Under a service agreement with the CVRD, this material can be taken to Coast Environmental (Duncan location), or directly to the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Cedar Road landfill.
Asbestos Awareness
Every week, CVRD Recycling Centre staff meet residents that have unknowingly handled asbestos material. Most of the asbestos has come from home renovations because asbestos is in the majority of homes in the Cowichan Valley. While asbestos is more regulated now, Worksafe BC aims to raise awareness for the risks associated with handling asbestos because it can still be present in newer homes. To get an idea of where asbestos could be in your home, click on the image below.
Asbestos Kills. Asbestos contains tiny fibres that travel deep into your lungs causing breathing problems in the short term and deadly cancer in the long term.
Renovations release asbestos into the air and put everyone at risk. You, your kids, your building contractor, the trucker who hauls away your construction waste and the worker at the waste facility who handles it are at risk.
Have a pro handle it safely. The only safe way to deal with asbestos is to have your house tested and then hire a reputable asbestos removal company to remove and dispose of it properly. The cost of these services is a small price to pay when buying or renovating a house to protect everyone you care about as well as those you may never meet.
Video Resources
Asbestos hazards in renovations, restorations and demolition
Clean Wood & Lumber
Wood is a common material found in and around your home. Recycle clean wood waste such as lumber, dimensional wood, wood offcuts, boards and stumps at CVRD Recycling Centres. These materials are recycled locally into wood chips to fuel local mills.
Painted & Treated Wood
Wood waste accounts for a significant volume of landfilled construction and demolition waste and is one of the most difficult materials to recycle or reuse. In an effort to support a circular economy, painted wood is now turned into an engineered fuel to replace coal at the LaFarge Canada cement plant in Richmond, B.C.
Accepted materials include:
- Painted wood furniture
- Pallets
- Plywood
- Particleboard
- Pressure-treated wood
- Window frames, doors
- Dimensional lumber (e.g. fence posts)
Creosote-treated wood and metal hardware (e.g. door hinges and handles) are not accepted in the program.
Rubble or aggregate materials are commonly used in construction, landscaping and within households. While this can encompass a wide variety of materials, CVRD Recycling Centres accept:
- Asphalt
- Brick
- Concrete
- Concrete blocks
- Paving stones
- Gravel
- Rock
All rubble/aggregate materials must be free of metal, plastic, and wood to ensure that they can be recycled into new products.
When you recycle these materials such as concrete, it can be used to make new concrete or foundations material for roads and runways.
Roofing Materials
Time for a new roof and not sure what to do with the old roofing materials? Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material for residential properties. These materials as well as tar and gravel roofing tiles are accepted at CVRD Recycling Centres for disposal.
Metal roofing materials including metal flashing should be sorted out and disposed of in the scrap metal bin at CVRD Recycling Centres.
Please be sure to remove styrofoam, membrane, or fibreglass roofing, as well as any wood, metal, concrete or wrapping/bunding paper when you drop off your roofing materials.