The watershed encompasses 40 km
2 of land located in the Coastal Douglas Fir biogeoclimatic zone, considered to be among the top four most endangered ecosystems in Canada. With a lack of natural surface water storage, the area is more susceptible to periods of drought and flood. The effects of climate change and population growth are expected to apply additional stress to sensitive ecosystems and supporting riparian areas in the watershed. It is important to understand the location and role of key wetlands, riparian areas and other sensitive ecosystems in the watershed so that these areas can be protected or enhanced.
In 2015, a
Yellowpoint-Cedar Watershed Model was developed to present maps of ecological attributes and areas where groundwater may be sensitive to surface contamination. A public outreach and mapping program was used to field validate the mapping while building community capacity. In May 2015, the
watershed model maps were presented at an open house.