News Flash

Garbage & Recycling

Posted on: October 18, 2024

End of Weekly Garbage Collection Window for Areas F & I

Bear Aware - Spring 2024

This is a reminder that the weekly garbage collection for Areas F & I ended on October 15th. To reduce human-wildlife conflict, please see the below tips on managing wildlife attractants: 


*Keep your garbage in a secure area, such as a sturdy garage or shed, until after 5 am on the morning of the collection; do not leave totes with waste material out overnight. If you do not have a secure storage space for your totes:

- Make sure that recyclables are clean 

- Store smelly items in a bag in the freezer and put it in your tote the morning of collection

*Clean barbeques after each use by emptying grease traps and burning off leftover food residue with high heat

*Pick ripe fruit and berries in your yard – do not leave them in the yard. 

*Use electric fencing to protect chickens, beehives, livestock and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees. 


Thank you for doing your part to keep wildlife wild and our communities safe! 


For more information on how to manage attractants and to report wildlife sightings, visit:


Call the RAPP hotline (1-877-952-7277) to report any human-wildlife interactions where public or wildlife safety may be at risk.

 Upcoming Three-Stream Curbside Collection 

The CVRD will be rolling out a three-stream curbside collection service (residential garbage, recycling, glass and comingled food and yard waste) in mid-2025. There will be weekly organics pick-up year-round with bear-resistant organics totes. While bear-resistant totes reduce the risk that bears will have easy access to waste material, how we manage our waste between curbside collection days has the most significant impact on the kind and type of human-wildlife interactions we experience! 


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