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Woodstove Program Survey
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Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program (CWSRP) Participant Survey
Why are we doing a survey?
• To get feedback on the program from the public, especially CWSRP participants
• To use this feedback to improve our program.
What do we want to find out?
• How can we encourage more exchanges of old wood stoves (accessibility of program; are program requirements viewed as complex, what are the reasons that people participate)?
• What is the best way to provide education on good burning practices (feedback on BC pilot education project)?
How will the information from the survey be used to improve the program (or other goals)?
The information from the survey will be summarized by the local coordinator (BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (ENV) will provide a template for summary table) and submitted to ENV and BC Lung. The information will be used to help achieve:
o More removal of old uncertified wood stoves
o Better awareness of good burning practices
o Reduction in wood smoke pollution
This survey is a mandatory requirement for each CWSRP applicant. Please complete the survey and attach it to your rebate application. Your responses will be summarized and anonymized. No personal or identifying information will be retained.
1. Why do you want to replace your old wood stove (You may choose multiple answers)?
a. Concerned about wood smoke in my community
b. My old woodstove no longer works well
c. Concerned about indoor air quality
d. Safety concerns
e. Recommended by building inspection results
f. My old woodstove is not efficient enough
g. Want to heat my place with less effort
h. For cleanliness purpose
i. Others
2. What type of replacement appliance did you choose?
a. certified wood burning appliance
b. pellet burning appliance
c. gas appliance
d. electric heat pump
e. electric fireplaces insert
f. other heating appliance, please state what kind below
Replacement applicance you chose:
3. How did you find information about the program (You may choose multiple answers)?
a. Brochure or poster
b. In-store
c. Newspaper ads
d. Radio ads
e. Website or social media such as Facebook
f. Home inspectors or other qualified personnel
g. Others, please list them below:
Others, please list them:
4. How often (approximately) did you use your original wood appliance in winter?
a. Less than 3 times/week
b. 3 to 5 times/week
c. More than 5 times/week
d. Primary heating source
5. How much wood (approximately) do you use in winter?
a. Less than half cord
b. Half cord to 1 cord
c. 1 cord to 2 cords
d. 2 cords to 4 cords
e. More than 4 cords
6. What is the total cost of your new appliance including installation fees?
a. Less than 500$
b. 500$ to 1,000$
c. 1,000$ to 5,000$
d. 5,000$ to 10,000$
e. 10,000$ to 20,000$
f. More than 20,000$
7. What does it cost you to dispose of your old wood stove (removal, transportation, recycling)?
a. Less than 100$
b. 100$ to 300$
c. 300$ to 500$
d. 500$ to 1,000$
e. More than 1,000$
8. How much rebate do you qualify for in total (from the provincial program, local governments, retailers, etc.)
a. Less than 400$
b. 400$ to 800$
c. 800$ to 1,600$
d. 1,600$ to 2,600$
e. 2,600$ to 3,600$
f. More than 3,600$
For the following questions:
1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree
9. Why did you choose this type of replacement?
a. Appliance was affordable
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
b. Cleaner burning/less smoke
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
c. Fuel is affordable
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
d. It works during a power outage
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
e. Convenience
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
f. More effective heat (warmer during cold weather)
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
g. Includes air conditioning for hot weather (heat pump)
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
h. Please add other reasons that are important to you if none of the above applies:
10. How would you rate the process of participating in the community wood smoke reduction program?
a. It was easy to find all the required information
1 strongly disagree
2 sisagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
b. The information was clear and adequate
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
c. It was easy to fill out the application form
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
d. The local retailers were very helpful
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
e. Did you recycle/destroy your old woodstove (Yes / No)?
If yes, It was easy to recycle/destroy the old wood stove ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
11. How would you rate your overall experience in participating in the program
1 very unsatisfactory
2 unsatisfactory
3 neutral
4 satisfactory
5 very satisfactory
Please provide comments or suggestions to improve the program.
12. If you change to a new wood stove, it is mandatory to take the online wood burning course providing your community joins the provincial pilot education project. Did you take the BC Wood Smoke Education online course at ? (yes/No)
If yes, please provide your comments on the course:
a. I took about _____hours to complete the course.
b. I liked the information on wood smoke and health.
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
c. I liked the information on clean-burning practices.
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
d. I liked the information on rules and regulations.
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
e. Overall, the information was interesting and useful. I would recommend it to others.
1 strongly disagree
2 disagree
3 neutral
4 agree
5 strongly agree
f. I did not like the course, because
g. Any other comments on the course?
Respondent Characteristics (optional, if you do not want to provide information, please skip them, and submit the rest of answers)
13. To which gender identity do you most identify?
c. If not listed, please indicate
d. Prefer not to answer
please check here
Add specifice community questions here
* indicates required fields.
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