Why did you do this study?

It is the responsibility of local governments to identify hazards affecting or with potential to affect the community and to use that information to inform and guide land use decisions. Building inspectors must also ensure that all buildings under permit are safe for their intended use.

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1. What are the landslide hazards in the Youbou area?
2. Why did you do this study?
3. What studies have been done?
4. Why did you do the follow-up studies?
5. Do the studies contradict each other?
6. What does this mean for my property?
7. What is Annual Encounter Probability (AEP)?
8. What if I live in an area identified as hazardous?
9. What was the point of the study if I need to do more work?
10. What is the CVRD doing about the hazard?
11. Will future climate change or human activities such as new developments, roads or forestry activities affect the landslide hazard identified?
12. Will my proposed activities increase the landslide risk below me?