Who do I contact to review my notice?

If you would like to review your notice, go over the materials that are accepted in the curbside recycling program, or believe that you have received a notice in error, please call the Recycling Hotline at 250 746 2540.

Show All Answers

1. Why did I get a recycling contamination notice?
2. Who do I contact to review my notice?
3. Why can’t I recycle hard plastics?
4. Why can’t I put textiles in my recycling tote?
5. Why did I get a notice for putting garbage in my recycling tote?
6. Why can’t I put plastic bags and wrappers in my recycling tote?
7. Why did I get a notice for an unidentifiable material in my recycling tote?
8. Why can’t I put glass in my recycling tote?
9. Why can’t I put styrofoam in my recycling tote?