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The original item was published from 10/12/2023 2:06:00 PM to 12/12/2023 12:00:00 AM.

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Posted on: October 12, 2023

[ARCHIVED] CVRD honoured with BCMSA award for Organizational Safety Excellence

We’re delighted to announce that the Cowichan Valley Regional District has been honoured with an Organizational Safety Excellence award at the recent BC Municipal Safety Association (BCMSA) Conference.

 The Organizational Safety Excellence award is based on multiple years of work that has collectively gone into managing claim costs, claim duration, and injury levels across the CVRD organization.
 These factors influence what WorkSafeBC calls our “Experience Rating,” which is based on a rolling three-year average of claim statistics.

 As one of only 10 local governments in BC to receive the award, this recognition reaffirms our commitment to creating a safe environment for our employees, customers and community. Thanks to our incredible, dedicated staff and to the support of partners and the community who help us build a safer workplace.