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The original item was published from 10/19/2020 3:59:29 PM to 10/28/2020 4:35:03 PM.

News Flash

Utility: Saltair

Posted on: October 19, 2020

[ARCHIVED] Public Meetings - Saltair

October 20 at 1:00 pm – Webex Virtual Community Meeting


To participate using a computer or other mobile device, please use the following link:

To participate over the phone please call:


1-844-992-4726 – When prompted use meeting #146 638 9874


We encourage people to participate online as this will allow you to see the presenters and presentation material, and more easily participate in a Q&A. We also encourage residents to RSVP to the virtual meeting by emailing to es@cvrd.bc.caFor those that RSVP by email, we can reply with that URL link so you can have it in your email allowing you to easily join on the day of the meeting. 


October 28, 2020 at 7:00 pm – Public Meeting at Aggie Hall, 1110 First Avenue, Ladysmith.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the public meeting will be restricted to 45 attendees; therefore, we ask that you pre-register by emailing to if you plan on attending the in-person meeting so we can manage the number of attendees. Adequate spacing of 2m distance between people will be maintained, contact tracing, sanitizer and disposable masks will be available; masks are encouraged to be used by attendees.


If this date and time does not work for you, but you are interested in attending an in-person meeting, please email us at to let us know. This will help us measure demand for scheduling an additional in-person meeting.


Due to COVID-19 and keeping people safe, we encourage people to participate in the virtual meeting

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