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The original item was published from 7/26/2017 10:04:38 AM to 7/31/2017 4:07:07 PM.

News Flash

Utility: Lambourn Estates

Posted on: July 26, 2017

[ARCHIVED] Leak Investigation Update

Since July 16, a considerable amount of time has been spent to determine the cause of the drastic increase in water demand experienced over the weekend of July 14-16. During these three days water demand doubled alerting Operations staff of a possible leak in the system. The water level in the reservoir had dropped and the wells were not able to maintain supply for the demand. Capacity to fight a fire was threatened.  Stage 3 watering restrictions were put in place on July 17 in an effort to reduce the stress on the wells and allow them to recover. After the Stage 3 watering restrictions were put in place, demand from the system was reduced and the reservoir remained full.

CVRD staff continued to look for a leak and a small service leak was found and repaired. Our focus is now near the water treatment building on Hurtin Rd where a significant amount of water can be seen flowing from a drainage pipe . Our efforts are now concentrated on isolating different parts of the system and monitoring to see if the flow from the draining pipe is reduced. Once we can determine the source of the flow from the drainage pipe we can take the necessary actions to address the issue.

At this time, the Stage 3 watering restrictions continue to be in place as we move through more hot, dry weather. Other CVRD-operated water systems have also moved to Stage 3 watering restrictions as the groundwater aquifers are beginning to feel the stress of the continued dry weather. Thank you for your cooperation on conserving water. Further we would like to thank you for your patience for any interruptions in water service experienced, or may be experienced, from the exploratory work. Please feel free to contact us at 250-746-2530 for further updates.


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