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The original item was published from 5/17/2017 11:47:00 AM to 5/17/2017 12:03:03 PM.

News Flash

Utility: Shawnigan Lake North

Posted on: May 16, 2017

[ARCHIVED] Taste and Odour Concerns Regarding the Water

Customers of the water system have expressed concerns about the taste and odours from the water.  The CVRD is aware of the issue and suspect the taste and odours are from naturally occurring brown algae present in Shawnigan Lake.Algae blooms occur each year at Shawnigan Lake and they are a somewhat unpredictable occurrence that is influenced by sunlight, amount of nutrients and warmer temperatures.  Some years, the effect on the water quality is more noticeable, as it is this year.  Apart from taste and odour concerns there are no known health concerns related to these algae blooms.

To confirm the types of algae present in the lake water a sample was taken this morning (May 16) and sent to a laboratory for analysis.  The laboratory will also be analyzing for metals in the water.  Results from these tests are expected in 1-2 weeks.  A sample for metals and nutrients was taken on May 4 and results from this sample is expected shortly.  Both of the results of these tests will be posted on the website.

The system water is sampled each week for bacterial contamination (E. Coli and total coliforms) and past results for these routine tests have been negative for bacterial contamination, including the sample taken Monday, May 15.  

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