Realtor Portal

Welcome to the CVRD Realtor Portal! A portal for real estate agents, property developers and property owners. A one stop shop for all your CVRD related land development questions. Below you will find a list of all Electoral Area zoning bylaws, the Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas, FAQs, a link to our online Web Map, and much more! 

The information is provided for general reference only. The CVRD makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Further, nothing on this page will supersede or relieve any person from compliance with applicable enactments, some of which may change without notice on this page. The CVRD strongly encourages interested persons to raise issues with it and to obtain independent professional advice.  

The Web Map provides searchable property details such as zoning, development permit areas, legal descriptions and utility information. 

Please click on the map below to launch the Web Map. 

Cowichan Valley Regional District Overview Opens in new window
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  1. Zoning Bylaws
  2. OCP
  3. Resources
  4. Common Contacts

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