Planning - Strategic Initiatives


The Planning - Strategic Initiatives Division is responsible for long range planning including the Official Community Plan for the electoral areas, regional planning initiatives such as the housing needs assessment and populations projections and inter-departmental modernization policies and projects such as the growth containment boundary alignment with liquid waste management plans.


Watch these crisp, short explanations of key concepts:

  • 'What is an OCP?' VIDEO
  • The Transect video explains the OCP land use planning video. VIDEO 

These videos explain the OCP 8 Policy Goals:

  • Mitigate & Adapt to the Climate Crisis VIDEO
  • Manage Infrastructure Responsibly VIDEO
  • Make Distinct, Complete Communities VIDEO
  • Expand Mobility Options VIDEO
  • Protect & Restore Natural Assets VIDEO
  • Strengthen Local Food & Agriculture Systems VIDEO
  • Enhance Regional Prosperity VIDEO
  • Improve Governance & Implementation VIDEO

Featured Project

The Division's featured project is the Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas (draft Bylaw 4373).

Click on the View Project links below to learn more about the OCP, Area Plans, Housing Needs Assessment and Affordable and Population Projections.
